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User Interface Vs. User experience (UX) in UI/UX design services

UIUX design services

There are some discussions in the world of technology that will never be resolved. The distinction between user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) in web design services is one of the key topics. Although they belong to the same category, they are different. Moreover, these two key terms are treated differently in the UI/UX design services given by companies.

If you are a UI/UX designer or a client worried about working with a web design and development company, you have come to the correct spot. This blog is a complete guide that explains the differences between UI and UX, what a UI/UX designer does, how their roles are different, how important UI/UX is, and what its benefits are, among other things.

Let’s go right down to the meat of the matter.

What is the product design in UI/UX design services?

Apps, websites and other digital products are a big part of your daily life. Some of them are so cool to you that you want to use them over and over again, and your experience with them remains positive. Conversely, some digital items make you reluctant to use them again after the first time. This is what product design is all about.

An app, website, software, or service can be a product. As the name suggests, product design is the process of creating products that are both functional and pleasant to use for the user who will be using them. In short, user interface (UI) improves the product’s aesthetics, whereas the user experience (UX) enhances the user’s overall perception of the product, business, or online design or development service.

If you are still confused, we go into detail about each subject. Let’s get over it.

What is UI design? 

UI design
UI design

The user interface design is what the UI design is referring to. When it comes to functionality, the user interface (UI) is nothing more than the way the website looks. To put it another way, if you first visited a website and were impressed by its aesthetics, you may thank the work of a UI designer.

Thereby, the user interface is the product’s visual look in web design service. A well-designed user interface (UI) attracts and retains customers, ensuring a positive customer experience. In other words, user interface design should make it as easy as possible for users to interact with a product and should reduce the amount of effort they have to invest. Therefore, UI designers are responsible for ensuring the aesthetically pleasing website design – aesthetic usability effect. 

Designing a user interface includes a wide range of things, from the content itself, such as text documents and photographs to the forms and behaviours associated with those documents and images, such as checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists, and graphic designs.

According to a set of user interface design principles, the most crucial component is as follows:

  • Put users in charge of the user interface
  • Ensure that using a website is pleasant.
  • lessen the mental burden
  • Consistency in user interface design

For this creative role, UI designers need to have a good eye for style and know how to use technology. The goal of the UI designer or UI/UX design service, who has a creative job, is to make a beautiful user interface that makes the user feel something.

Different types of UI design in UI/UX design services? 

Even though there are many more types of UI design, these three are most often used in web design services.

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design:

In GUI, the user interacts with the website or product through its graphics, icons, menus, and other features. But, unlike text-based interfaces, all of the graphical data-related user controls are in text. Using a gadget or their fingers, the user can freely alter the visual items on a digital display. In this case, the UI web design services focus on creating elements that assist learnability and findability.

Voice User Interface (VUI) Design:

Voice user interfaces (VUI) are growing in popularity. Voice-enabled assistants are becoming more popular around the world, which shows that people find them useful. Voice user interfaces need a different way of thinking about design. The user interface that designers make needs to work well and feel like a conversation. Words and how they are put together matter a lot. To make more human interactions, UI designer need to learn more about human psychology and pay even more attention to making voice-based prototypes to test their design decisions.

Menu-Driven Interface Design:

A menu-driven interface is another popular style of UI that offers users a selection of commands in menu or list form via a drop-down menu, pull-down menu, full-screen display, or pop-up.

No matter what kind of UI design it is, the main goal of UI design services is to predict what the user might need and make sure that the interface has easy-to-access, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-use elements to help the user do what they want to do.

Research in UI design:

Designing user interfaces with the requirements and expectations of end users in mind begins with doing thorough research. An important part of the user interface (UI) design process is working with product managers and UX designers to determine who their target audience is and what they want from their product.

As the user interface research is combined with user experience research, so the UI designer should work with product managers and UX designers to have an idea about:

  1. The intention of a well-defined target audience.
  2. Factors that contribute to design consistency and transparency
  3. Selection of color schemes, patterns, fonts, and other visual aspects.
  4. A fantastic approach to competitor bunch marking.

Cooperation between the UI designers and the other team will improve the website’s UI design and give the UI designer the in-depth knowledge needed to construct the design in a unique way. This is only possible in UI/UX design services where the UI designers, UX designers, and other team members exhibit excellent teamwork.

Characteristics of successful user interface: 

Clarity, intuitiveness, consistency, simplicity and prevention are the characteristics of the successful UI design

There are more than 200 million websites currently in use on the internet. To put it simply: A well-designed interface is not an option; it is a must. If you want the greatest possible UI design for your website, the ui/ux design company must meet the specific traits.


One of the most crucial aspects of UI design is clarity. It sends a message to your users that you are competent and that they can trust the website they are using. Consistency, simplicity, and integrity in communicating can all contribute to clarity in responsive UI design.


The user can quickly learn the intuitive design because it is easy to grasp. If the icons and labels aren’t clear, the action you want won’t happen. The metaphors and terms should be easy for the user to understand.


Without consistency, the User interface will be a mess of information. So, use the same typeface and size conventions every time. This will help your users recognize patterns of usage.


Keep the user interface design as simple as possible so that this task can be done with a few mouse clicks and keystrokes as possible.


A good user interface design should stop users from doing things that aren’t supposed to be done. This is done by “greying out” or turning off certain elements when certain conditions are met.

What does a UI designer do? 

A website user interface is within the authority of the UI designers in UI/UX design services. In terms of the visual display of information, their role is more important. They are responsible for the overall design and functionality of the website or product. In essence, they must design interfaces that are consistent with the brand’s identity.

Role of UI designers:

UI designers’ primary responsibilities are as follows:

Brand Image: Creating and Maintaining it:

Customer perception of your brand is critical, and this is mostly determined by how your website is designed. For the greatest website design, a collection of specialized interface aesthetic elements is required to portray the best brand identity. For this reason, UI/UX development firms assign UI designers with the goal of creating a website’s user interface that reflects the brand as a whole.

Tasks of the UI designer in this domain are:

  • Design brand identity to last.
  • Create an impactful overall brand style guide.
  • Keep brand design consistent throughout the process.

Visual Design: Enhance the aesthetic appeal:

To convey the brand voice through the visual design of the website, the UI designer follows principles of contrast, balance, white space, repetition, rhythm, pattern, unity and variety. 

Building a visual design includes the following tasks:

  1. Brand colours with consistent design elements. 
  2. Choosing a suitable font, typography, and colour scheme.
  3. Enhancing the visibility of the clickable items.

Interactive Design: Customer-engaging model:

In interactive design, UI designers try to create a user interface that could elicit well-thought-out customer behaviours. They focus more on creating the solutions, elements, and animations that could communicate with the user in a collaborative way. And the end result will be the potential buyers. 

The UI designer’s tasks include:

  1. A laser-like focus on eye-catching images of the highest calibre.
  2. Designing the scrollers, buttons, toggles, drop-down menus, and text fields. 
  3. Managing the movement of user-interacted content.
  4. Designing pattern libraries for each element.
  5. How to evoke emotions with interactive elements.

Responsive Design: Adaptive Interface to devices:

Mobile users now outnumber laptop users in the modern era. Therefore, the website’s user interface should be fully responsive, meaning it should look good no matter what size or shape of screen the user is using. The user’s interaction with website elements is unaffected by any device.

In order to create responsive designs, UI designers must be:

  • Keeping track of responsive design style guidelines
  • Developing the adaptive layout of the website.
  • Designing elements that can be resized with ease.


A designer’s biggest duty is to pay close attention to the aesthetics of the website in order to keep the user spellbound. So, in a nutshell, the key responsibilities of a UI designer in UI/UX design services are as follows: 

  • Choosing each and every interaction piece of the interface with utmost care
  • Creating an interactive and responsive design by implementing the visual hierarchy
  • Making high-fidelity wireframes and organizing elements of each page layout 

Since the company’s culture affects how the UI designer is trained, web design companies that provide UI/UX design services usually have a team of UI designers experienced in the above competencies.

UI/UX design services: UI design best practices for websites:

Follow the guidelines below. Without a doubt, your website will provide the best user experience.

  1. Keep the interface as simple as possible.
  2. Use common UI elements to comfy the user.
  3. Be purposeful in designing page layout.
  4. Strategically use texture, and colour for every element. 
  5. Use typography to create visual hierarchy and clarity. 
  6. Bring clarity while designing consistently.
  7. Consider outcomes before designing any element.
  8. Reduce the burden on users with defaults.

Up to this point, everything about UX design, the role of UX designers, and more has been discussed. And to you, everything is completely plain. Now. To make things clearer, let’s discuss the differences.

What is UX design? 

UX design
UX design

The term “UX design” refers to the design of the user’s overall experience. UX is the process which defines the roadmap to design the product. As such, user experience design is the process of researching, creating, and improving all the ways a user interacts with a company’s product to make the user happy. The goal is to improve the user’s experience with the product by looking at the test results. In the end, the intention is to make a product that is useful, beneficial, easy to get, and pleasant to use.

As UX design is different from UI design, it focuses on things like visual design, interaction design, usability, and a lot more.

Characteristics of User Experience design: 

The characteristic is always used to evaluate how well users interact with a website and how satisfying the user experience is. According to Google, the following are the four characteristics of a good user experience. 


A good UX design makes the website’s layout, structure, and purpose clear and concise. Before assessing how useful the product is, ask questions like:

  1. Is it simple to find everything in the design?
  2. Is it easy to understand how the design works?
  3. Can users carry out particular tasks inside the design?


Equitable user experience designs suggest that the website is built primarily for potential customers, but it also provides a high-quality experience to a wide audience. 


A good user experience should be pleasurable. This means that the UX design takes into account what the users think and feel so that it can get along well with them. The user will get all of the effectiveness and functionality from something that is fun to use.


The UX design must show where the user is having trouble. It should address all of the user’s needs. If that doesn’t happen, the design won’t be useful, no matter how wonderful it is.

For achieving all the above-mentioned characteristics in the UI/UX web design, research play a very important role. Now, we’re going to look at how user experience design research is conducted in a variety of ways.

Research in UX design: 

The primary goal of the research is to learn about your target audience’s actual problems and pain points, which you can then incorporate into your user experience design. Because if you don’t understand the underlying issues, you won’t be able to come up with the right solution. The best UX research appears to continue throughout the process, even if it is done prior to the start of design.

In addition, there are a variety of ways to do research. So, what’s the best approach to take here? In order to gather the correct data, you — or your UX/ UI design service — must know how to employ the best method.

Most often used UX research approaches are as follows:

User Interviews: 

Interviewing a user is not a conversation where you ask them for their opinion. it’s the wrong way. Rather consider the user before doing the interview, prepare the topics and the script in advance, and employ dialogue-provoking interview questions. You can have the best grasp of user concerns with the best method of conducting.

User Personas:

The best strategy is to develop a user persona. As a result, the UX designer might create a fictitious persona for their intended audience. This is a method for designing the user experience in accordance with your target audience’s demands and desires.

Expert Interviews:

Because you’re getting an expert’s perspective, you’ll be able to build a better user experience. Their responses would be unbiased, accurate, and helpful in developing the finest user experience design possible.


As part of a UX research study, designers ask a particular user group a number of questions to learn more about their opinions and beliefs. Although simple and affordable, this method performs less well than others.

UX research is crucial since it advances UI research as well. You or your user experience design service can apply one or two strategies to lay the best user experience design foundation.

UX design process: 

Why do UX designers and UX companies invest so much time in research? All because they want to develop the design that could result in the digital product of the future. in a way that would lessen the likelihood of failure and produce solid results for website UX design. The design thinking process is what led to this innovation in design.

The goal of the design thinking process is to modernize, innovate, and improve the website’s UX design. It encompasses the phases in which the entire UI/UX design team defines and conceptualizes the user problem following extensive research. They create wireframes and prototypes based on them to show the findings of their analysis and ideas in the form of a schematic and visual representation.

They then proceed to create UI/UX design mockups so that they may test the design concept at an early stage. The success of the overall website’s design concept depends on adhering to this cycle of the UI/UX design thinking process.

Learn much more about the design thinking process and see how the OploxTech UI/UX team helps its clients succeed.

What does a UX designer do? 

The role of a UX designer is to take an active role in improving the end-user needs. They focus on the overall feel of the website. Therefore, their responsibilities are to focus on the overall design strategy development, wireframing and prototyping, testing, implementation and analysis of the website later on. 

Role of the UX designers:

UX designers’ primary responsibilities are as follows:

Understanding Target Audience:

UX design typically begins with in-depth research with the aim of comprehending the target audience, their needs, and wants. A key competency for UX designers or UI/UX design services is empathy. It enables UX designers in discovering and expressing the hidden wants and emotions of the target users.

The UX designer try to find out:

  • The motivation, mentality and behaviour of a user
  • The ultimate goal of the user
  • What makes the user decide to bounce?
  • What makes the user to stick the design?

Creating the Design Strategy:

Understanding the website’s purpose, the main objective, and outlining the logical flow are all part of the design strategy. As a result, the UX designer at a UX design company concentrates on how to present text, graphics, and multimedia elements on a website. They also plan out and audit the entire website’s content.

Wireframing and Prototyping:

Wireframing and prototyping are the schematic and visual representations of the website design. They advance the design through several iterations before the final one with the coordination of a large design team.

In this case, they do the following tasks:

  • Wireframe is the fundamental design.
  • Using prototypes, make the wireframes more illustrative.
  • Mock up the prototype for optimal testing.


The key responsibilities of UX designers are:

  • Examine the needs of businesses and transform them into an engaging experience.
  • Use the wireframes and prototyping to outline the user journey’s structure.
  • Follow the best design strategy with deep coordination of the whole team to design the website.
  • Analyze how the design is interactive with different design elements.

UX designers should be masters of the above skills. He ought to be able to work with the other design teams to produce results that have an impact. It goes without saying that the UI/UX design company’s culture has the potential to train UX designers like that.

UI/UX design services: UX design best practices for the website:

These practices of UX design will lead to the best outcomes.

  • Understand users with in-depth user research. 
  • Keep in good coordination with the overall designers’ team.
  • Create the most effective website design strategy.
  • Focus on elements and actions that add value.
  • Create a sitemap, wireframe, prototypes, and mockups.
  • Do usability testing during the web design process.

What is the difference b/w UI/UX design?

Here is the main difference b/w UI and UX.

User Interface (UI) DesignUser Experience (UX) Design
UI stands for user interface, which is mainly concerned with how a website appears and looks. User experience, or UX, is the study of how a website functions and interacts with its users.
The UI design process is mostly about how the product’s front end looks. During the UX design process, both the user’s path to the solution and their interaction with the company is taken into account.
In particular, UI design is restricted to screens and digital products. It is concerned with visual design (responsive and interactive), such as creating mockups, graphics, and layouts in accordance with the brand design.Instead of concentrating solely on the screen, UX design emphasizes the user’s overall experience through human-centred design and brand. Wireframes, prototypes, and research are all given considerable attention.
UI design always goes for the perfect prototype. It focuses more on eliciting emotions. So, for user testing, UI design will be used.In UX design, the hi-fi prototype comes last. It focuses more on logic. So, to the client, the UX design will be shown first.
Difference B/w UI and UX design

How is UI/UX similar? 

UI is not the UX although they intersect with one another. UI makes the interface appealing and establishes emotional ties with the user. On the other hand, UX makes interfaces useful and enables users to accomplish their goals. Moreover, UI is limited to the design of interfaces and has nothing to do with products or services as a whole.

It doesn’t matter how you look at it, user interfaces and user experiences are both centred around the user, which is why they are frequently compared. One focuses on the total experience, while the other concentrates on the possibilities for involvement through visual and audible means. Both are correct. 

So, which comes first, UI or UX?

The answer is UX.

It is always the user experience that comes first, and the user interfaces follow this. Moreover, user experience is more concerned with branding.  Indeed, a user experience designer may unearth insights in their analysis that a UI designer can later employ to create an interface of the website. In UI/UX design service, UX a much bigger field, and it covers the entire lifecycle of a product, website or system.

What’s the difference between the roles of UI/UX designers? 

UIUX designers
UI/UX designers

The tasks of UI and UX designers are distinct, but they interact with one other in a similar way. As a result, UI designers concentrate on the aesthetics of the user interface, including things like font, branding, and colour. UX designers, on the other hand, focus on user journeys, making sure that every step of a product’s workflow is clear and easy to follow. Both of them, however, must work together to produce the best result.

In addition to collaborating with one another, UI and UX designers also do so with UX writers, quality assurance analysts, beta testers, interaction designers, and developers, among other experts.

However, don’t confuse UI and UX designers’ responsibilities. Because they each play a unique role. It’s possible that a user experience (UX) designer working on a lengthy wireframe won’t have the mental energy to experiment with interface design afterwards. Additionally, UI designers may spend considerable time coming up with unique methods to present information, only to find themselves struggling to make changes as usability feedback begins to come in.

Drawbacks to the UI/UX combined roles in UI/UX design service:

Still, there’s a nagging doubt. Is it possible for the same designer to be proficient in both UI and UX?

Yes, if a designer working on a small project. Even so, the same designer is unable to take on some big projects. Although most companies list UI and UX as a single role, this is not the case. According to the typical job description, the person will work on both the aesthetic and functional aspects of user interactions. On the surface, this appears to be a single individual wearing two hats at once. For each position, there is a unique set of talents and approaches required. Furthermore, even when a single person possesses all of the required competencies, this mingling of disciplines reduces the effectiveness of the design process.

When should you hire a UI and UX designer?

Hire UIUX designer
Hire UI/UX designer

Consider UX and UI designers as two distinct abilities required for a project rather than as two distinct professions. So how precisely do you decide if your projects require UI designers or UX designers? Let’s check it out:

You would need to engage a user interface designer if you needed work done on your app’s or website’s graphic design or the overall look and feel of the product.

You would need to hire a user experience designer for more conceptual work, such as comprehending the user path and ensuring that the product satisfies the needs of the company.

If you are still unsure who to hire, just choose a company that offers UI/UX design services, as the presence of both UI and UX designers will lessen your uncertainty.


Have you concluded from reading this blog’s content that UI and UX design, as well as the roles of UI and UX designers, are distinct from one another? However, both lay the groundwork for providing the kind of experience that today’s clients are looking for.

Remember that both terms are still frequently used synonymously in UI/UX design services, and this is not going to change very soon. Never presume that someone else is utilizing the terminology correctly. The division of labour between a UX and UI designer may not align with the person’s ideology, even if they are an expert in the sector. Therefore, instead of debating that, try to assess what they desire. Because you can gain clarity on your own if you comprehend the people’s language.

At Oplox Tech, we also do the same. Our UI and UX designers are trained to speak the language of our customers. Because of the following statista, we focus on delivering the best web design services.

  • A website’s design accounts for 94% of first impressions.
  • On mobile phones, 51% of website visitors leave after viewing just one page.
  • Design accounts for about 75% of a website’s trustworthiness.
  • For a better user experience, 80% of consumers are willing to spend more.
  • 38% of visitors will leave a website if the design or content is unsatisfactory.

Our UI/UX designers can create any kind of digital experience that can deliver form and function, style and content in order to satisfy the continuously shifting needs of our clients. Our UI/UX design services are always ready to provide our customers with the best possible UI and UX design experience. For additional information and advice, or support, get in touch with us.

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